Sunday, April 3, 2011

my first time experience with the ORANG ASLI BATEK

the kids.

the Batek woman.

baby playing on his mother's leg

mother teasing her son and finally smiling for camera

the demonstration of kindling fire by the chief of the village

the Tok Batin demonstrating a "menyumpit" activity
during the trip to Pahang, we did not miss the opportunity to visit the perkampungan orang asli located nearby the taman negara. I was amazed at how their lifestyle is and even imagine how the orang asli must have felt whenever people would come to their territory and captured pics after pics and felt how interrupted their privacy was. the Batek people are shy, they don't really speak Malay language and they live in huts like most orang asli tribe does. above are some pictures that i managed to capture even the subject matter shows a lot of hesitation and shyness.


we were lucky enuf to had the chance to go to the Taman Negara Pahang last many people know, the taman negara is filled with A LOT of green landscapes..there are many trees that ages from 50 years to more than 200 years. thankfully i brought along a macro lens that i borrowed from the faculty so i managed to capture some of these photos below. enjoy and don't hesitate to leave a comment..TQ

view from across the Sungai Pahang river.

little mushrooms hang from a tree trunk.

sharp thorns from a plant.

more mushrooms pop from the trees.

a rare bug poses for camera.

droplets of water on the leaves after a rainy night.

a textured surface of a trunk of an old tree.

a great view ahead as i hoped on the canopy walk.

spirally shaped fern.

a spider hangs within its web after eating a prey.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

WEEK 8 - ARMY DAY 2011

pelancong dari China bergambar bersama jentera kebal Malaysia

kereta2 kebal bersiap sedia untuk ke dataran merdeka

para tentera bersiap sedia untuk bergerak

kanak2 berlari untuk sampai terlebih dahulu ke DM 

kelibat orang ramai yang memenuhi acara

beg2 perajurit serta senapang di pinggang

seorang tentera yang telah dicelorengkan wajahnya untuk tujuan "camouflage"

polis tentera mengawal tepi jalan untuk memberi laluan kepada  jentera tentera.

salah seorang tentera memberi lintasan tabik hormat kepada VVIP

penerjun udara yang hampir sampai ke tanah.

keadaan cemas semasa demonstrasi penyelamatan tebusan oleh  unit khas.

tentera negeri Johor berbaris di tengah panas

Pada 4-6 Mac yang lalu, telah berlansungnya acara gemilang gemilang bagi tentera darat Malaysia iaitu Hari Tentera darat 2011 yang bertempat di Dataran Merdeka. pelbagai aktiviti yang diadakan bagi menarik minat rakyat Malaysia untuk mengenali dengan lebih dekat tentang tentera2 di Malaysia. pada hari ahad, iaitu hari terakhir untuk pertunjukan, antara aktiviti yang diadakan merupakan demonstrasi payung terjun, penyelamatan tebusan, perarakan kereta2 kebal, dan byk lg acara yang berlansung di booth. 

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Anai Creation booth di HKK 2011

antara koleksi brg yg dihasilkan oleh Anai Creation

seorang wanita bajau mendemonstrasikan cara pembuatan kain

orang ramai yang tidak melepaskan peluang mengukir kayu

penghasilan kain tradisi masyarakat iban

seorang wanita melihat intisari program
barang2 perhiasan diri dr pelbagai negeri dijual juga disini

Hari Kraf Kebangsaan 2011 telah berlansung pada 23 feb 2011 sehingga 7 mac 2011, sy tlah brkesempatan utk mlawat  acara itu yg berlansung di pusat kraf malaysia di Jalan Conlay KL.
terdapat pelbagai aktiviti dan pameran yg ada disana antaranya adalah brgn logam, kayu kayuan, kraf tgn, fabrik2 batik, songket, perabot2 kayu moden dan macam2 lagi. Acara ini mmg menarik sbb macam2 jenis kraf yg susah didapati di KL boleh dibeli di  sini cthnya rantai mutiara, perhiasan manik, rantai dokong dan byk lg. demonstrasi pembuatan brgn kraf juga ada, sperti pembuatan kuda kepang, mengukir kayu, melukis batik, mmbuat wau dan lain2.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

old news, remaining effects

people moving their vehicles to dryer place

a bungalow sunken by water as high as waist level

the paddy field looks like the ocean
salam all, this post is a lil bit different bcoz, it is last year's news..i decided to post this bcoz it happened to my hometown in alor setar, we all know, kedah was hit by the worst flood in history last year around me n my family went to visit our relatives there. unfortunately, my camera was under repair at that time so i only had my hp camera to capture some of the scenes. sorry for the bad quality, n the unparalleled photos bcoz i snap this photos while hitchhiking a sand lorry, leave me a comment..THANK YOU~

tebalkan muka

Scene ini diambil di kawasan pasar malam yg berlansung setiap hari di kawasan kota kinabalu, yang menarik perhatian saya ialah keadaan fizikal budak ini yang cacat sedikit iaitu sumbing di bhgian muka. walaupun cacat, dia tetap menolong ibunya menjual ikan di pasar tersebut tanpa perasaan malu walau banyak mata yang memandang.

Pulau Gaya transportation style~

gambar ni diambil di kawasan jeti di pasar pagi sekitar kota kinabalu. sprti yg dpt dilihat di dlam gmbar, Pulau Gaya terletak bertentangan dengan tanah besar jd main transportation untk ke sana sini adalah dengan menggunakan bot. sy berminat untk berkunjung ke pulau itu tetapi menurut seorang pnduduk di sana,  pnduduk pulau gaya ramai yg tidak mempunyai dokumen sah atau pasport/permit/visa jd agk berbahaya untuk prgi ke pulau tersebut.

Monday, February 21, 2011

the streets of GAYA streets market

Recently, i had the opportunity to visit Sabah with a bunch of on  the last day of our trip..we visited the famous Gaya Street Market which is in the morning from 7am to 12 noon..what i noticed there was the spirit of  Chinese New Year is still in the air as the chinese lanterns are hung all over the street and absolutely adding color to the place. the market over there is quite different from our market in the Peninsular as they sell a lot of crafts n souvenirs like beads, pearls, key chains, t-shirts and much more, and like all markets, beggars are spotted at every corner of the venue.
Gaya Street Entrance

A very old woman asking for 'sedekah'

sleeping while waiting for 'sedekah'

chinese lanterns filling up the atmosphere

Sunday, February 6, 2011

how i spent my cuti raya cina

Baru2 ni ialah perayaan Tahun Baru Cina, so plajar2 uni smua dpt cti slame seminggu, so memandangkan cuti yang agk lame..maka macam2 aktiviti la yg boleh dibuat untuk mnghilangkan boring..n sperti kbiasaan dlm family sy..cti pnjg mcm ni mmg confirm akn blik kampung cz time ni la the only time smua ahli2 nk gather selain raye kampung are in kedah n p.pinang, negeri sebelah2 so 2 2 pun smpat singgah..

sbb CNY, n banyak jugak org cina dkt p.pinang, so byk la letupan bunga api dekat kawasan rumah tok dan tokwan sy me n my spupu decided to go shoot bunga api tu dekat area RnR tepi pantai yg also known as Pantai Bersih..smpai je sane, smua bunga2 api dah abis main..n yg berlonggok2 kt kwsn tu buknnya org cina yg beraya, tp org melayu yg memancing..kt sini sy ada ltak gambar kawasan tu..quite interesting coz ramai org suka melepak tepi pntai ni n mmancing..ade fmily yg bwak khemah siap bercamping n mmancing.

the next day..kmi 1 family gerak blik ke kedah pulak, cz ada fmily gathering n BBQ..sblum smpai tu..singgah smayang magrib dlu kat masjid zahir, alor setar kedah, and the view was sooooo MAGNIFICENT, masjid zahir ni seingat sy, dlm bulan puase msti akn ada ramai peminta2 sedekah/zakat yg duduk dkt luar pagar..Dkt blakg masjid tu plak ade sungai yg sgt besar..n again, langit sunset aritu yg sgt cantik..Subhanallah.

n lastly, sempat jugak kitorg spupu2 ni g enjoy ourselves dekat "The Carnival" Sg petani..ala2 sunway lagoon jugak la..but slightly smaller n games kt ctu ade la 3 4 je..okla for Sg Ptani standart..hehe..cuace sgt la panas kt kedah, 35-40 degrees kalo x hujan..wlaupun panas terik, org yg bkunjung kt tmpt ni still bduyun2 n agk nmpk la masyarakat majmuk 1Malaysia kt tmpat ni..