Monday, February 21, 2011

the streets of GAYA streets market

Recently, i had the opportunity to visit Sabah with a bunch of on  the last day of our trip..we visited the famous Gaya Street Market which is in the morning from 7am to 12 noon..what i noticed there was the spirit of  Chinese New Year is still in the air as the chinese lanterns are hung all over the street and absolutely adding color to the place. the market over there is quite different from our market in the Peninsular as they sell a lot of crafts n souvenirs like beads, pearls, key chains, t-shirts and much more, and like all markets, beggars are spotted at every corner of the venue.
Gaya Street Entrance

A very old woman asking for 'sedekah'

sleeping while waiting for 'sedekah'

chinese lanterns filling up the atmosphere


  1. gaya street banyak subjek menarik, kalau betul2 shooting..dan mempunyai keberanian.

  2. ada lg cik sbenanye, sy bru nk tmbh lg
