Saturday, January 15, 2011

a splash of color, a dash of luxury fabrics..all in LITTLE INDIA, KLANG

percubaan pertama..hi kali pertame nk buat blog..n of koz this is the 1st entry, i consider this blog as my diary la..but a diary yang everybody with access to the internet bole bace..(creepy) today was interesting..

so me n a few friends went outing to shoot some scenes in LITTLE INDIA, semua org tau, tempat ni jam packed dngn the indians community, so tempat ni lebeh kurang mcm jalan TAR la utk dorg..terase cam dkat negara India btol2 coz smua kedai kat sana is Indian owned they sell stuff for indians such as saree, manisan, jeweleries, tukang tilik pon ramai dgn burung2nye..yg pling mnarik sudah semestinye stiap kedai MESTI ade pokok pisang yg diikat dekat tiang kedai dorg..n according to seorg kawan, ade perayaan "thai ponggal"  Thai Pongal is celebrated on the first day of the month Thai of the Tamil calendar. The day normally falls between 12th and 15th of the month of January in the Christian calendar. Thus, Thai is the first month of the Tamil Almanac, and Pongal is a dish of sweet concoction of rice, moong dal, jaggery and milk. This festival is celebrated by one and all as it is non-relevance to any particular religious faith. The whole Tamil population of the world celebrate it without any differences. Therefore it is widely known as "Tamil Thai Pongal" or the "Festival of the Tamils".

1 comment:

  1. ok
    Subjek pokok pisang pilih satu saja menarik, gambar masjid & black white kena keluarkan-akan menjadikan gambar anda mempunyai jalan cerita jelas (ada direction).
    Gambar tilik nasib itu saja pun dajh ok.
    ok good job
